collaborative publication, exhibition and reading event - by Joanne Newman & Annelie Fawke


Printed publication. Pages began as my individual contribution to collaborative online publication, which we initiated on Instagram using #assassinsreadingclub. My printed publication was shown, and the black & white research read from by attendees at the exhibition and event. 

Hellmouth - printed publication, bound colour pages with black & white inserts, 2019, Joanne Newman

Hellmouth - printed publication, back cover, 2019, Joanne Newman


Assassins Reading Club

collaborative publication, exhibition and reading event - by Joanne Newman & Annelie Fawke

anger, violence, desire, fuck-yous, female gothic, tv violence, glamorous assassins, vampires, lust, rage and the burning flames of hell


Individual Hellmouth publication pages posted to instagram.


Collaborative instagram publication using #assassinsreadingclub to create online hellmouth.



Exhibition of publication pages and objects by Joanne & Annelie. Documented with Assassins Reading Club event leftovers and leftovers from previous collaborative exhibition/event Captain Stormfield - from Heaven to Hell.


Assassins Reading Club

Non-performative-performance event / reading club on Thursday 18th March at 4Cose, Vyner Street. Alongside the publication pages and objects, people were invited to read, by candlelight and through an echoey microphone, from the publication, their own writing and vampire movie scripts.