Focusing on queer desire, To whom the flesh/ My flesh/ Still connects me explores queer poetry’s cannon through a series of new work from contemporary visual artists and poets. Queer poetry is expansive and diverse; writers of all backgrounds and sexual identities have captured their varied experiences and feelings of love in the expressive medium of poetic verse. Walt Whitman used the natural symbolism of the calamus plant and its “phallic-shaped bloom” to celebrate homoeroticism in his work, Leaves of Grass. Audre Lorde vividly eroticised the female body in Love Poem with sensual descriptions such as: “honey flowed / from the split cup / impaled on a lance of tongues.”.This group show, curated by Inland Project at The Poetry Society, seeks to connect a range of voices and perspectives that all coalesce to present a complex, nuanced, picture of the queer experience of love. To whom the flesh is an act of celebration and solidarity, bringing visual arts and poetry communities together.