Ambiguous Colours: Lavender, Pink, Puce
Project based residency, ColArt/Griffin Gallery, London.
During the residency I kept a project blog to document the process, it records my research, sketchbook pages, using the archives, work in progress, interventions and wider investigations.
Lavender: tint card / Pink: hints & tips / Puce: suggested mixes
A three part publication created using appropriated imagery and found language, nights out, alternative archives, personal writing and research. Made in response to a residency approached from the edge of a well known paint company; queering their marketing with personal identity and infiltrating their archives with queerly tinted hues and experiences. Shown at In Residence at Griffin Gallery, London and Queer Art(ists) Now 2018
Lavender: tint card - 2017, outside page
Lavender: tint card - 2017, inside page
Puce: suggested mixes - 2017, outside page
Puce: suggested mixes - 2017, inside page
Pink: hints & tips - 2017, outside page
Pink: hints & tips - 2017 - inside page
Puce Approach
Post-project reflection
Text piece exploring colour as approach. Part documentation of an artist residency, part bruise, part failure and part methodology.
Puce Approach - text, 2017/2019